Our Doctors

  • Dr. Carrie Silveira


    It all began with a 2004 journal entry: “I want to go into natural healthcare… maybe massage therapy?” Dr. Silveira always knew that there was a better way to live and function optimally. She taught herself how to make soap, facial oils and body scrubs with only a few natural ingredients. She obtained that massage practitioner license. In 2010 she found herself with a job as Dr. Watson’s assistant, and for seven years she grew to love watching people get better and reach their health goals. Wanting a bigger part in that journey, Dr. Silveira graduated from Life Chiropractic College West with academic honors and a special interest in geriatric care and gentle adjusting for more fragile bodies. She has a special passion for vitalistic and whole-person care. With the certainty that she could do more in a society where the medical paradigm rules, yet primary care is less and less effective, she completed 4 years of additional education in functional medicine, providing a more in-depth testing and diagnostic investigation, as well as more options for natural treatment protocols. 

    She is proud to take part in the health and wellness needs of her hometown community, and excited to continue the legacy of Watson Chiropractic to ensure that all members of this practice have the most rewarding experience possible. 

    Dr. Silveira enjoys being in the sunshine in any capacity, hanging out with her family and friends, and pretending like she'll have time to travel one day.

  • Dr. John Watson


    Dr. Watson has been practicing in Morro Bay since 1989. He moved to this area from Los Angeles with his wife, two children and a dream. He originally came to California to pursue a career in music after graduating from the University of Michigan, where he majored in trumpet performance. After suffering a low back injury and finding relief from a Chiropractic Doctor, he decided to make a career change. He graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic of Los Angeles in 1989.

    Constantly striving to give his patients the most up-to-date care possible, Dr. Watson is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner and a Certified Wellness Practitioner. Professionally, Dr. Watson is a member of the California Chiropractic Association, Chamber of Commerce, Foundation for Wellness Professionals, and the International Chiropractic Association.

    He is delighted to see the practice he has built transfer into the hands of Dr. Silveira, someone he knows will uphold all the values that made him so successful. He will remain in the practice as long as his knees will hold him up, because otherwise he would miss everyone way too much.

    Dr. Watson has always enjoyed sports and martial arts. He spends his free time weight lifting, water skiing, wakeboarding, horseback riding, and spending time with his family.

Our Team

  • Katie Peirce


    Katie joined our team in 2014. Getting hired at Watson Chiropractic was her first experience with chiropractic and even massage, and her view on wellness has completely changed since she started here. She excels at customer service and being the jack of all trades. Katie also excels at all things Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. In her free time she likes to hang out with her man, her dog Petey, Lando the cat and Mad Eye Moody the cat. (He has one eye.)

  • Devyn Ellis


    Devyn took up residence as our doctor’s assistant and case manager in early 2023 and has been instructed to never leave. She has spent the last three years as a massage therapist and is now working towards a kinesiology degree. Inspired by the success stories and changed lives, Devyn has decided to pursue a career in chiropractic once obtaining her degree. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her cat and thrifting possibly haunted knick knacks.

  • Keith Campos


    Keith is grateful to have a career in massage therapy that has spanned 13 years. In this time, he has learned a lot and continued to learn new techniques to help him master his craft. When he’s not in the office, he enjoys being outside at the beach or on a hike, getting his trivia on or entertaining his nieces and nephews. Whenever you feel a bit stressed or just need a 30-90 minute vacation, come jump on his table and relax. He’s got your back.